Tamiya’s siste figur-sett i 1/48 skala inneholder tyske WWII-soldater i avslappede stillinger, stående,
gående, iført feltkapper og med våpen på skuldre osv. Inkluderer også figurer som viser tanks
mannskap i ro.
2 helt nye offiserfigurer og militærpolitimann, som er tilgjengelig for første gang, er også inkludert. Dette settet er perfekt for modellering av scener uten kamp og
livets dioramas bak linjene.
Our latest 1/48 scale figure set features WWII German soldiers in relaxed poses, standing,
walking, wearing field caps and with weapons shouldered. Also includes figures depicting tank
crew at rest. 2 all-new officer figures and military policeman, which are available now for the first
time in any scale, are also included. This set is perfect for modeling non-combat scenes and
dioramas of life behind-the-lines.
- Set includes 7 machine gun crew on maneuvers, 2 standing infantry, 3 tank crew, 2 officers
and 1 military policeman for a total of 15 figures. - Infantry figures feature realistic M43 field uniforms.
- Includes separately molded weapons and equipment such as machine gun tripod mount.
Our latest 1/48 scale figure set features WWII German soldiers in relaxed poses, standing,
walking, wearing field caps and with weapons shouldered. Also includes figures depicting tank
crew at rest. 2 all-new officer figures and military policeman, which are available now for the first
time in any scale, are also included. This set is perfect for modeling non-combat scenes and
dioramas of life behind-the-lines.
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